Henry Purcell: Fantazias

John Holloway (violin)
Monika Baer (viola)
Renate Steinmann (viola)
Martin Zeller (bass violin)
2023 | ECM
„Together, Holloway, Baer, Steinmann, and Zeller bring out what Holloway describes as the joy and sorrow that permeate so much of the quintessentially melancholy music of the 17th century English master’s oeuvre. The ensemble’s playing is technically faultless, elegant, absolutely on point stylistically, executed with a minimum amount of vibrato, absolutely suited to the sometimes austere, sometimes joyful works. The release is accompanied by thoroughly researched liner notes and produced and engineered to perfection. Highly recommended.“ (Rafael de Acha, All About The Arts)
„Holloway and his colleagues do not play at emulating a (viol) consort’s homogeneity of tone – why should they? … His booklet essay makes a strong case for the “Fantazias” as early quartet works, as well as illustrating his depth of understanding and love for these pieces, no less than his playing (does). As a quartet, he and his colleagues open out the polyphony and bring a courtly elegance of gesture to those dance-like codas, while the major-minor harmony still blooms like an unseasonal rose in a Swiss radio-studio ambiance.“ (Peter Quantrill, The Strad)
„Die grandiose Neuaufnahme mit dem John-Holloway-Ensemble lässt uns die Verwunderung ahnen, welche die damaligen Hörer empfinden mussten … denn diese Fantasien machen Denksportspass. Und sie klingen himmlisch!“ (Wolfram Goertz, Rheinische Post)
Pavans and Fantasies from the Age of Dowland

John Holloway (violin, viola)
Monika Baer (violin, viola)
Renate Steinmann (viola)
Susanna Hefti (viola)
Martin Zeller (bass violin)
2014 | ECM
International Classical Music Award (ICMA) 2014
„The centerpiece of this fifty-minute program is John Dowland’s ‘Lachrimae Pavans’, a series of seven pavanes based on his own song ‘Flow My Tears’. … The music is so achingly beautiful … a ravishing listening experience, exactly the right length, played and recorded stunningly“. (R. L., Listen)
„Ein faszinierend homogenes, streichquartettähnliches Klangbild ist entstanden. … Da der Pavanenfluss der ‚Tränen’ einem gleichmäßig langsamen Puls folgt, stellt sich sofort erhabene Ruhe ein. Man wünscht sich, sie würde niemals enden.“ (Eleonore Büning, FAZ 24.3.2014)
Castello/Fontana: Sonate concertate in stil moderno

John Holloway (violin)
Jane Gower (dulcian)
Lars Ulrik Mortensen (harpsichord)
2012 | ECM
„Die Spiellust der drei Musiker in dieser klanglich authentischen und tadellos plastischen Aufnahme erzeugt Hörlust ohne Ende.“ (Hartmut Schütz, DNN 23.5.2012)
Telemann: Quatuors Parisien Vol. 2 & 3

John Holloway (violin)
Linde Brunmayr (flute)
Lorenz Duftschmid (viola da gamba)
Ulrike Becker (cello)
Lars Ulrik Mortensen (harpsichord)
2011 | CPO
Telemann: Quatuors Parisien Vol. 1

John Holloway (violin)
Linde Brunmayr (flute)
Lorenz Duftschmid (viola da gamba)
Ulrike Becker (cello)
Lars Ulrik Mortensen (harpsichord)
2009 | CPO
„What a pleasure!“ (American Record Guide 8/2009)
„Grandios muss man … die Inspiriertheit sowie Leichtigkeit nennen … Ein in jeder Sekunde spannendes Kommunizieren legen sie … an den Tag und beeindrucken darüber hinaus mit feinsten dynamischen und farblichen Schattierungen … Wenn das keine Referenzeinspielung ist!“ (Christof Jetzschke, Klassik heute 4/2009)
Intrada di polcinelli

John Holloway (violin)
Jaap ter Linden (viola da gamba)
Nigel North (theorbo, guitar)
Barbara Maria Willi (harpsichord)
2009 | musicaphon
This was a particularly interesting project. The library in the castle at Kroměříž contains one of the most important collections of 17th century violin music, including the music recorded here. It was a special pleasure to spend time in the library, and to record in a room across the courtyard of this spectacular building. (J.H.)
Leclair: Sonatas Opus 5

John Holloway (violin)
Jaap ter Linden (cello)
Lars Ulrik Mortensen (harpsichord)
2008 | ECM records
Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik 2009
„This came as quite a revelation … All three players … are sensitive to the many expressive details of harmony and melody, while remaining natural and unaffected. … I urge you to listen.“ (Duncan Druce, Gramophone)
„Viel entdeckt man erst beim zweiten, dritten Hören. Aber Spaß macht diese elegante, melodiefreudige, mit Herz und Kopf und flinken Fingern interpretierte Musik schon beim ersten.“ (Susanne Kübler, Tages-Anzeiger)
J.S. Bach: The Sonatas and Partitas for Violin solo

John Holloway (violin)
2006 | ECM records
„This is playing that fizzes with intelligence, combining intensity, percipience and drama in equal measure. Everyone will have his own gold standard in this repertoire – Grumiaux’s elemental reading from the early 1960s; the peerless tone and studied elegance of Milstein; the technical perfection achieved by Perlman; or perhaps the richly sonorous account by ECM stablemate Gidon Kremer. The overarching, panoramic vision offered by Holloway should now take its place in this exalted list.“ (International Record Review 1/2007)
„Holloways Annäherung an Bachs Solosonaten geschieht aus einer lebenslangen Erfahrung mit Musik. Als Ergebnis entsteht ‚einfach‘ große Musik, keine Hervorkehrung einschüchternder Virtuosität, sondern eine Leichtigkeit, wie sie nur großen Musikern gelingt.“ (Franzpeter Messmer, Das Orchester 3/2007)
Veracini: Sonatas

John Holloway (violin)
Jaap ter Linden (cello)
Lars Ulrik Mortensen (harpsichord)
2005 | ECM records
„Violinist-composer Francesco Maria Veracini is less familiar than Vivaldi but no less brilliant or historically important. Violinist John Holloway, cellist Jaap ter Linden and harpsichordist Lars Ulrik Mortensen, three of Europe’s most eminent players of period instruments, take full measure of his genius in four sonatas.“ (Joseph McLellan, The Washington Post)
„Ein glänzendes Plädoyer für die Musik Veracinis.“ (Klemens Hippel, Crescendo)
Biber/Muffat: Der Türken Anmarsch

John Holloway (violin)
Aloysia Assenbaum (organ)
Lars Ulrik Mortensen (harpsichord)
2004 | ECM records
„This disc (once again) confirms that they are amongst the very best Biber interpreters around. … If you haven’t treated yourself to a CD of Biber and Muffat this centenary year, this could be the one – beautiful music played by masters of the art.“ (Brian Clark, Early Music Review)
„Voll, rund und ruhig ist der Klang von Holloways Violine, die oft doppelte Unterstützung durch Cembalo und Orgel sorgt für warme und doch nur selten dicke Verpackung des Soloparts. … Holloway bewältigt auch das Knifflige mit Eleganz, und mehr als Knalleffekt und Oberflächenkitzel interessiert ihn die Substanz dieser Tonsprache. Ein Virtuose, dem es nicht ums Virtuose geht.“ (Susanne Kübler, Tages-Anzeiger)
Biber: Unam ceylum

John Holloway (violin)
Aloysia Assenbaum (organ)
Lars Ulrik Mortensen (harpsichord)
2002 | ECM records
„Biber was the Paganini of his day… Holloway takes all this invention in his stride, bowing an easy, mellifluous line … always with unforced vitality.“ (Rob Cowan, The Independent)
„Holloway ist auch hier wieder der ideale Anwalt des Komponisten: rhetorisch beredt, virtuos, mal energisch, mal meditativ und dabei stets souverän. Er wird allen stilistischen Implikationen gerecht … Was und wie er spielt ist stets für heute – ein Spiegel, in dessen fernem Bild wir zugleich eine Widerspiegelung unserer eigenen Leidenschaften und Phantasien wiederfinden.“ (Uwe Schweikert, Neue Musikzeitung)
A London Concert

John Holloway (violin)
Jaap ter Linden (cello)
Lars Ulrik Mortensen (harpsichord)
2001 | NAIM
„Fantastic stuff! It is rare to encounter this quality of ensemble playing outside the string quartet repertory, and this recording sets exciting new standards for period performers.“ (Julie Anne Sadie, Gramophone)
Schmelzer: Sonate unarum fidium

John Holloway (violin)
Aloysia Assenbaum (organ)
Lars Ulrik Mortensen (harpsichord)
1999 | ECM records
„Holloway triumphs in performances of this virtuoso yet haunting music, that demands faultless technique and ideal judgment … the playing is dazzling … beautifully and elegantly articulated.“ (Gramophone)
„Einzigartig an John Holloways Spiel ist seine Offenheit: Mit energischer Vitalität und phantasiebegabter Intelligenz legt der Geiger los, ohne diese Eigenschaften eitel in den Vordergrund zu stellen.“ (Matthias Hengelbrock, Klassik heute 2/2000)
Buxtehude: Vocal Music Vol. 1

Emma Kirkby (soprano)
John Holloway, Manfredo Kraemer (violins)
Jaap ter Linden (viola da gamba)
Lars Ulrik Mortensen (harpsichord and organ)
1997 | dacapo
Danish Grammy 1998
„An outstanding recording.“ (BBC Music Magazine)
Corelli: 12 Sonatas Op. 5

John Holloway (violin)
David Watkin (cello)
Lars Ulrik Mortensen (harpsichord)
1996 | Novalis
Although this recording inspired almost no critical reaction to speak of, it remains one of my favorite projects. Not only did we thoroughly enjoy the music-making, we also engaged in a fascinating pedagogical, indeed didactical exercise. We combined examples of all the surviving 18th-century ornamentations with realisations of the figured bass according to the instrumentation given on the title page – “Sonate a violin e violone o cimbalo”. Lars Ulrik Mortensen succeeded in making harpsichord continuo closely based on relevant treatises sound beautifully idiomatic, and with David Watkin’s willingness to research and experiment in the hitherto virtually unexplored territory of figured-bass realisation on cello alone we offered two very different, and entirely new sound worlds for this supposedly well-known music. (J.H.)
Buxtehude: Chamber Music Vol. 3

John Holloway und Ursula Weiss (violin)
Jaap ter Linden und Mogens Rasmussen (viola da gamba)
Lars Ulrik Mortensen (harpsichord)
1996 | dacapo (neu: 2008 | Naxos)
„Stern des Monats. Eine facettenreiche Interpretation durch eine vom Geist dieser Epoche durchdrungene Persönlichkeit.“ (M. Hengelbrock, Fono Forum 8/1996)
Buxtehude: Chamber Music Vol. 2

John Holloway (violin)
Jaap ter Linden (viola da gamba)
Lars Ulrik Mortensen (harpsichord and organ)
1995 | dacapo
Danish Grammy 1995
„It is difficult to imagine a better recording of these pieces. John Holloway is a magnificent Baroque violinist.“
(American Record Guide)
Buxtehude: Chamber Music Vol. 1

John Holloway (violin)
Jaap ter Linden (viola da gamba)
Lars Ulrik Mortensen (harpsichord and organ)
1994 | dacapo
Danish Grammy 1995
„Three Parts upon a Ground“

John Holloway, Stanley Ritchie, Andrew Manze (violins)
John Toll (harpsichord & organ)
Nigel North (theorbo)
Mary Springfels (viola da gamba)
1993 | harmonia mundi
„3 of the world’s best baroque violinists playing a masterwork of Purcell. A sensual delight!“ (Peter Rovit, YouTube)
Biber: The Mystery Sonatas

John Holloway (violin)
Davitt Moroney (harpsichord)
1991 | Virgin classics (EMI)
Gramophone Award 1991
„Deeply felt performances, full of sensibility, and variously tender and passionate as the music required. A richly rewarding and important release.“ (Gramophone)
„Atemberaubende technische Virtuosität und unglaubliche Klangvielfalt … sein musikalischer Ausdruck und sein Stil eröffnen visionäre Perspektiven.“ (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)
Vivaldi – „La Pastorella“. Chamber Concertos

Marion Verbruggen (recorder)
Paul Goodwin (oboe)
John Holloway (violin)
Dennis Godburn (bassoon)
John Toll (harpsichord)
Sebastian Comberti (cello)
1991 | harmonia mundi
J. S. Bach: The Brandenburg Concertos

Taverner Players: John Holloway, Roy Goodman, Marion Verbruggen, John Toll, Paul Goodwin, Janet See, David Staff
Andrew Parrott (conductor)
1990 | EMI Reflexe
J.S. Bach: The Sonatas for Violin & Keyboard

John Holloway (violin)
Davitt Moroney (keyboard)
1989 | Virgin Classics
Leclair: Sonates pour 2 violons sans basse Opus 12

John Holloway
Chiara Banchini
1989 | Erato/Musifrance/Radio France
Leclair: Sonates pour 2 violons sans basse Opus 3

Chiara Banchini
John Holloway
1988 | Erato/Musifrance/Radio France
J. S. Bach: Musikalisches Opfer

Janet See (flute)
John Holloway (violin)
Jaap ter Linden (violoncello)
Davitt Moroney, Martha Cook (harpsichord)
1987 | harmonia mundi
Handel: The Chamber Music Vol. II-V

Georg Friedrich Handel (composer)
CD2: Violin Sonatas, Oboe Sonatas
CD3: Trio Sonatas Op. 2
CD4: Trio Sonatas Op. 5
CD5: Trio Sonatas for 2 Violins & Basso continuo
L’Ecole d’Orphée (various instrumentations):
John Holloway, Micaela Comberti, Alison Bury (violins)
Stephen Preston (flute)
Philip Pickett (recorder)
David Reichenberg (oboe)
Susan Sheppard (cello)
Lucy Carolan, John Toll, Robert Woolley (harpsichord)
1981-1985 | crd
Recorded in the early 1980s for crd and originally released on LPs, this first complete recording on baroque instruments of Handel’s instrumental chamber music has been re-released on CDs by crd, and under license by various other companies, including Brilliant Classics as part of their series „Handel: the Masterworks“. (J.H.)
„… the interpretation is particularly stylish and refined. These six discs by L’Ecole d’Orphée are not to be missed … they should form an essential part of every Handelian’s collection.“ (Philippe Gelinaud, GFHandel.org/Handel Institute)
Vivaldi: L’Estro Armonico (12 Concerti op. 3)

The Academy of Ancient Music:
John Holloway, Monica Huggett, Catherine Mackintosh, Elizabeth Wilcock (violins)
Trevor Jones, Jan Schlapp (violas)
Susan Sheppard (violoncello)
Barry Guy (double bass)
Christopher Hogwood (harpsichord and organ, director)
1981 Vinyl (2 LPs)